How to Remove and Prevent Tonsil Stones Naturaly at Home

How to Remove and Prevent Tonsil Stones Naturaly at Home

What are tonsils?

The tonsils have the structure of some glands and are located in the back of the neck, on the one hand and the other. These are composed of a tissue that contains lymphocytes - cells that prevent and combat the onset of infections. Tonsils are believed to play a role in the immune system and are designed to retain viral particles and bacteria that enter the body through the throat.

However, most experts say that tonsils often do not work well, becoming an obstacle rather than a help. Evidence also suggests that people in whom tonsils have been removed are more likely to suffer from bacterial or viral infections than those with intact tonsils.

What are the causes of stones formation on tonsils?

The tonsils have some small pockets in which bacteria and other materials (including dead cells and mucositis) can be captured. Over time, the accumulated (caseeum) formations can become concentrated.
Tonsils stones are formed when these debris is hardened or calcified. The process occurs more often in people who suffer from chronic tonsil inflammation or recurrent tonsillitis.
What are the specific symptoms of tonsillitis?
Several small stones of the tonsils do not cause any visible symptoms. Even when they are large, some are accidentally discovered following radiographs or computer tomography investigations. However, in the case of large tonsils, multiple symptoms may occur:

- Bad breath - One of the first signs of amgdalitis is bad smell or halitosis that accompanies tonsillitis. After a study, subjects with chronic tonsillitis were analyzed and 75% of people with high concentrations of volatile sulfur in breathing were those who had stones (caseum) on the tonsils.

- Sore throat - When sore throats are present with a stone and tonsil infection, it is hard to tell the cause. The presence of a stones on the tonsils itself can cause pain or discomfort in the area where it is deposited.

- Whitish deposits - Some stones on the tonsils may be visible in part from the back of the neck like a piece of solid white material. However, this is not a rule, as most are hidden in the crypt of the tonsils. In this case, they can only be detected using non-invasive scanning techniques (CT or magnetic resonance imaging).

- Difficulty swallowing - depending on the location or size of stones on the tonsils, swallowing food or liquids may become painful.

- Ear pain - stones on the tonsils can develop anywhere on the tonsils. Because of common nerve pathways, they can cause pain even at the ear, even if the stone itself does not touch the ear.

- Swelling - when the collected remains strengthen and form a stone on the tonsils, the inflammation produced by the infection (if it exists) and the tonsillitis itself causes swelling or enlargement of the tonsils.

How do tonsils stones develop?

Tonsils Stones are still a mystery for doctors and researchers, but it is suspected that those who have frequently suffered from tonsillitis have an increased risk of developing stones on their tonsils. This is due to the fact that frequent infections of the tonsils cause the appearance of excess fibrous tissue. This can lead to the development of crypts and ribbons from the tonsils.

Dead skin cells, bacteria, and other substances can be collected within these spaces, forming a mass of deposits. Salts in saliva can lead to the petrification of this mass, forming amygdalites. The stones on the tonsils will increase as more and more food or other remains are accumulated and deposited.

Diagnosing, removing and preventing tonsils stones

The doctor can diagnose this by examining the neck and can remove the stone manually. In some cases, radiography or computer tomography may be required to confirm the diagnosis and to better visualize stones from the tonsils.

If the tonsillitis does not cause any symptoms or manifestation, treatment will not be necessary. But if the stone on the tonsils is very large or associated with worrying symptoms (pain, inflamed tonsils or swallowing problems), treatment may be necessary. Stones on tonsils are sometimes surgically removed or if it is large, tonsillioma may be needed.

When you notice small tonsil stones you can remove them with natural remedies. 
Here is how to remove and prevent tonsil stones naturally at home:

-         - Apple cider vinegar Diluted with water and gargle.
-        -  Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It can fight bacterial growth and infection.
-        -  Essential oils: oregano, myrrh, thieves oil, and lemongrass. These oils have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and are able to help reduce or eliminate your tonsil stones. Dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil or honey and place one or two drops on a toothbrush before brushing the stones.
-         - Yogurt contains probiotics that are able to counteract the bacteria that causes tonsil stones.
-        -  Onions contain strong antibacterial properties that prevent and eliminate tonsil stones.
 - Gargle with warm salt water – it helps to relieve the discomfort caused by tonsillitis. 

The best way to prevent tonsils stones naturally at home is to avoid the formation of trenches and crypts from the tonsils by preventing current episodes of tonsillitis. This can be done by:
- Frequently washing your hands
- Do not change tableware, utensils, toothbrush or kiss people suffering from tonsillitis
- informing your doctor if the episodes of tonsillitis occur frequently (in this case a tonsillectomy may be necessary).

Also you can check out these fast, safe and completely PAIN-FREE ways to remove tonsil stones from the comfort of your own home HERE.
