18 Effective Natural Treatments Against Acne

The natural treatments against acne have been proven to be very effective in fighting this condition. It is better to turn to garlic, lemon, orange peel, mint or cucumber than to take medication that can cause other health problems. Find out what natural treatments you can use to treat it from this article.

What is acne?
Acne is a skin disease commonly seen in adolescents. Specialists say that acne is the result of a process whereby skin pores clog with sebum and so bacteria begins to develop. The body responds by an inflammation in that area. Acne is not a dangerous condition but it can leave scars. Often, the affected people feel unsafe and embarrassed, and resort to all sorts of medications, whether or not approved by dermatologists. It is good to know that drugs in this case can do more harm than good. Recommended are herbal treatments based on masks made in the house. In case of acute acne ... call the doctor.

Here are the 18 effective natural treatments against Acne

Lemon juice contains citric acid. It attacks bacteria that causes acne. Lemon juice is applied to troubled areas and allowed to act for 15-20 minutes. Also, from lemon juice mixed with honey you can make a regenerative mask with anti-acne properties. Leave it on the face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It helps if you drink lemonade often.

The orange juice squeezed directly on the affected area or a mask made of orange juice and water, applied to the perfectly clean skin and is kept on the face for 30 minutes. Effects are visible after a few applications.

Crude potato acts as an anti-inflammatory. The sliced potato is applied directly to the skin. If left to act for 10 minutes, the effects will be visible.

Garlic is an excellent antibacterial. Garlic juice must be applied precisely to problem areas. Let it act for 15-30 minutes.

Corn starch calms redness and irritation. You can apply corn starch all over the face and let the mask act (even an entire night).

Aloe Gel reduces inflammation and redness. Apply the gel several times a day. If you have such a plant (Aloe Vera) in your home, you can use the leaf liquid directly. It is more effective than the gel.

Coconut has antibacterial and antifungal effect. It is also extremely moisturizing and mild with skin. Apply coconut oil to the problem area and massage easily. For maximum benefit, use organic coconut oil (unrefined).

Apple cider vinegar (make sure it is natural). It has to be very diluted because it is quite rough with the skin. You can mix apple vinegar with fine salt. Apply the mixture to the problem areas and let it act for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Click Here for the Top 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and then Read the eBook

Ice Cubes - Put an ice cube to troubled areas to help reduce inflammation. The ice closes the pores and thus the bacteria stays away from the skin. You can also wash your face with very cold water. The effect is the same.

Cucumber is a very popular tonic and prevents the appearance of acne. Apply cucumber slices on the skin. After 15 minutes rinse the "treated" area with warm water.

Tea tree oil is a renowned anti-acne remedy. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thoroughly massage acne affected areas with little tea tree oil and do not rinse.

Coriander tea and mint tea are effective remedies for treating acne. After the skin has been thoroughly cleaned, apply tea (either coriander or mint). It can be used every night. These teas refresh your face, reduce redness and inflammation caused by acne.

Egg white is a good natural treatment for acne. It reduces pores and reduces sebum. Apply on clean skin and leave at least 10 minutes (at most one hour).

Sodium bicarbonate makes good work on this condition. It is antiseptic, fight against bacteria and fungi and reduce excess sebum. Where else you can make a slight exfoliation, leaving your skin soft and clean. The recipe is simple. Mix sodium bicarbonate with water in equal amounts until a thick paste is obtained. The mask is applied to the skin and after 15 to 20 minutes of rinsing with warm water.

Banana, or more precisely the banana peel, can be used successfully in the fight against acne. The bark of this fruit contains lutein, an extremely powerful antioxidant. This substance reduces inflammation, redness and encourages the growth of healthy cells. Clean your face with a banana peel, and sit for 30 minutes. After a few applications you will notice the difference.

Strawberries mixed with honey . These small fruits are rich in salicylic acid. It encourages the epidermis to regenerate, open pores and neutralize bacteria. The mask in this blend is easy to do in the house. Take 3 strawberries, wash them well, add 2 teaspoons of honey and make a puree that you apply to your face. After 20 minutes, remove it with warm water.

Papaya treats the pimples. This fruit removes dead cells and excess lipids from the surface of the skin, leaving it soft and velvety. The papaya pulp is applied directly to the skin and should act for about 20 minutes.

                                                                           FREE YOUR ACNE

The natural acne treatments have been successfully used since ancient times. They are not costly and have no adverse effects. Your skin will definitely look better after using it.

Do you know any other effective remedies for acne?
