17 Home Remedies that Cure CONSTIPATION Fast

Lifestyle and fast food are the main cause of constipation. The intestines suffer in conditions where the diet is low in fiber, but rich in flour and starch, in sugar and meat. Very few people realize the importance of intestinal hygiene. If not removed in time, food debris, toxins and metabolic waste in the colon undergo a prolonged fermentation and putrefaction process, being reabsorbed and re-circulated. We are thus witnessing a latent intoxication of the body. Bloating and gas, abdominal pain, lack of appetite, constipation, hemorrhoids appear on this background.

The first reaction is to stretch your hand after a laxative... Better go for home remedies that actually cure constipation easily, fast and safe :

Food Fibers

* Start the day with grain bran (wheat, barley, oat), rich in fiber, associated with milk or yogurt. Make up a portion to provide 10-15 grams of insoluble fiber. They absorb the liquid and they form a bulky mass, which transits the digestive tract faster. If you are not used to the fibers, reduce the portion by half to avoid bloating and stomach cramps. Increase the amount progressively and drink plenty of water.

* Eat a lot of legumes (dried beans, lentils), fruits (dried plums, figs and raisins soaked, fresh pears), dried nuts, whole grains (rye bread or graham bread). All of these foods are good sources of soluble fiber.

* Flaxseeds - Not only are they rich in fiber, they also contain Omega-3 fat, beneficial for digestion. Take a tablespoon of flaxseeds (found in dietetic stores) twice a day. Mix them, in the morning, in cereals, in apple sauce, or sprinkle them over yogurt. Before eating, they must be ground through the coffee grinder. They can be kept in the refrigerator but only for a few days. Equally good is linseed oil. Take one teaspoon in the morning and one in the evening. Keep it in the dark because it rages slightly.

* Do not forget to drink water! At least 2 liters a day, as fiber consumption increases. They absorb a large amount of liquid, and in the event of insufficient hydration, the seat becomes small in volume, hard and painful.

* Mineral waters rich in magnesium, have a remarkable effect on constipation. It is enough, sometimes, to drink only 1 liter a day to solve the problem definitively.

Virtues of hot drinks

* Hot drinks stimulate the intestine. Depending on the person (not everyone reacts the same way) caffeine has opposite effects on constipation. It has a relaxing action on the intestine and stimulates the colon, but it is also a diuretic that removes fluids from the body. That's why we recommend drinking decaffeinated coffee.
* In the morning, drink a cup of tea, a cup of warm water with a little juice of lemon squeezed in it or a caffeine-free coffee. All stimulates the colon (lemon juice is a natural laxative).
* Dandelion tea - has a slightly laxative action and regulates intestinal transit. Infuse a teaspoon of dried roots with a cup of boiling water. Drink three mugs a day.

 Dried fruits

* Dried plums are an ancient remedy used against constipation. Rich in fiber, they also contain a natural laxative that stimulates intestinal contractions.

* Raisins - can successfully replace plums. Equally rich in fiber, they contain tartaric acid, which exerts a laxative effect. Following a study with people who consumed 50 grams of raisins a day, doctors found that digested foods were passing twice faster through the digestive tract.


Hand pressing on acupuncture points stimulates digestion and thus intestine. Using the thumb and index, click on the meeting point between the thumb and the index of the other hand. Press two minutes daily, changing hands. According to specialists, the procedure should not be used by pregnant women because it can cause abortion.

Chicory instead of coffee

In the morning, instead of coffee, drink two cups of fresh chicory leaf infusion. It is more effective and it is also indicated in diabetes. Infuse one teaspoon of the plant into 500 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes. You should drink it in the morning.

 Nettle and milk

Boil young nettles in milk. Stretch the leaves and drink the liquid every morning on the empty stomach. Use 2 tablespoons of dried herbs and 250 ml of milk. Bring them to boil, let them boil, then let them infuse for 5 minutes. Drink the milk as warm as possible.

Infusion of crushed cloves

Smash 10 cloves, add  4 tablespoons of warm water, and allow them to warm up on the small flame for a minute. Pour over a cup of cold water and allow the mixture to infuse for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink this liquid every morning before breakfast.

Honey with hot water

Dissolve a spoon of honey in a spoon of hot water. Then pour over a glass of warm water. Drink it in the morning, on the empty stomach.

 Cold water

Sebastian Kneipp, the famous German therapist, advises two cold glasses of cold water in the morning on the empty stomach. With this simple procedure he cured many people who were suffering from constipation.

Wheat flour

Grind 30 grams of wheat grains and boil it in 125 ml of water, along with a chopped onion and garlic. When the wheat soaks, add a little chopped green parsley and a spoon of olive oil. In the case of tedious constipation, add a pinch of flax seed. Take 3 teaspoons of this treatment a day.

Red wine with basil

A handful of basil leaves are to be soaked for three days in a liter of natural red wine. When ready, add an equal amount of olive oil. Shake the bottle well. Take a glass of liquor four times a day, at the beginning of each meal. It cures even severe constipation!

 Ricinus oil

In light cases, take a spoon a day in the morning. In chronic cases, take 3-4 tablespoons a day, on an empty stomach. Treatment is done for 2-3 days.

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